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Initiatives to raise awareness of the LEMUR project and its results

Dissemination Initiatives

4th LEMUR Plenary | 11 July 2024
The fourth LEMUR Plenary was held in Amsterdam on the 11th of July 2024. Updates on all Work Packages (WPs) were provided by the responsible members, describing the state of the project's steps towards its overall goals. A DC representative was present to maintain the communication between Senior Researchers and DCs. After the end of all discussions, the next steps were defined.

3nd LEMUR Workshop | 9-10 July 2024
The third LEMUR Workshop was held in Amsterdam in July 2024, providing an opportunity for knowledge sharing and collaborations among participants.
The DCs presented their current research to the whole network and then discussed potential collaborations and possible research directions within the LEMUR project. The participants explored Amsterdam by boat in the afternoon and enjoyed dinner together.
On the second day, Kathrin Dentler (Triply) talked about her work with Knowledge Graphs and Maarten Stol (BrainCreators) presented recent work on neuro-symbolic AI. Finally, the DCs explored together the multimodal CrisisNLP dataset as part of a hackathon.

3nd LEMUR Plenary | 01 March 2024
The third LEMUR Plenary was held in Paderborn on the 1st of March 2024. Updates on all Work Packages (WPs) were provided by the responsible members, describing the state of the project's steps towards its overall goals. A DC representative was present to maintain the communication between Senior Researchers and DCs. An online meeting with the AB was held to provide updates and request feedback on the project's progress. After the end of all discussions, the next steps were defined.

1st LEMUR Winter School - AI Winter School | 27-29 February 2024
The first LEMUR Winter School was held in Paderborn in February 2024, attended by all DCs and members of the project across Europe. AI Winter School's purpose was to deliver insightful tutorials on important topics of AI, as well as encourage networking and future collaborations among participants.

2nd LEMUR Workshop | 1-2 February 2024
The second LEMUR Workshop was held online in February 2024, providing an opportunity for knowledge sharing and initiating collaborations among participants. All DCs and members of the project across Europe met online with the aim to introduce their work and present their progress to the rest of the group and at the same time exchange ideas and possible directions within the LEMUR project.
On the second day of the Workshop, an Open Discussion Session was held, where DCs prepared a set of questions for a panel of experts (Professors Gabriella Pasi (UNIMIB), Rafael Penaloza (UNIMIB), Giuseppe Marra (KUL) and Jan-Christoph Kalo (VUA)) to initiate an intriguing scientific discussion about Large Language Models (LLMs), Neuro-Symbolic AI and Knowledge Graphs.
The final session of the Workshop was exclusively for the DCs, as final-year PhD students of another ITN project (DoSSIER) Georgios Peikos (UNIMIB) and Wojciech Kusa (TU Wien) shared their experience of participating in an ITN project.

2nd LEMUR Plenary | 15 September 2023
The first LEMUR Plenary was held in Milan in September 2023, attended by all already enrolled DCs and members of the project across Europe. The Plenary's purpose was to cover important administrative topics that all partners of the network should keep in mind, as well as clarify the project's overall goals and expected outcomes.

1st LEMUR Workshop | 13-14 September 2023
The first LEMUR Workshop was held in Milan in September 2023, providing an opportunity for knowledge sharing and setting up potential collaborations among participants. All already enrolled DCs and members of the project across Europe assembled with the aim to introduce their work to the rest of the group and at the same time exchange ideas and possible directions within the LEMUR project.

LEMUR-DN Website Creation | February 2023
This website has been created for the LEMUR project and has been active since February 2023. Its main purpose is to share updates on future events, and news and achievements of the project, as well as introduce the individuals involved in the project, including members, partners, and DCs. It also serves as the project’s main communication platform, enabling the publication of LEMUR’s outcomes to the community outside the project.
Lemur dissemination
LEMUR Project EU Funded

HORIZON Unit Grant